
I cant control my thoughts
there are some things i wish i could forget but have a hard time of letting go,
Things of the heart never come easy to me because i still do not understand my own heart
I have a mind-heart mix up.

But if i think too much i miss out on a lot
If i don't take risks i live with what could have been
If I keep thinking about the future I wont enjoy the present
I seem to forget that the present was once the future
Why cant i be more concerned on now than what happens three seconds later
why cant i make my future a present that i can enjoy
Why am i afraid
Why do i blame my fear on rationality and being realistic 
Why do i settle for what i THINK  i deserve than going for what I DO deserve
Why do i act on the wrong impluses
Why am i following the same pattern
Why do i not learn from my mistakes
Why do i give but not take good advice 


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