21st Birthday

I read the birthday card yesterday
That probably explains why i dreamt twice about you...one good and one bad
It reminded me if the time where it was all good and it was all deep and i was very grateful to God..the fun bubble ...
before it burst.
As much as i want to hate you for doing that one thing i knew you'd always do that you denied for so long
I can't
Because you helped me know what to not settle for
And times like that i wish she didnt exist because no one yet meets the standard you set...in terms of the  good things you did
Which is why it sucks
I cant hate you 
And i cant say that i don't know what being in love is like because of that very reason
Most of what i feel is anger
Mainly for the monthly anxiety attacks rooted from the incident and how its affecting my future healing
But im trying to control it because i know eventually life repays what is sown so why bother


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