I own a blog. Evidentially.
But why?
I call it VoicedSecrets
But why?
Its interesting you know, the title just came to me without much thought
because it was from the heart.
Words you would love to share .
But cant.
Secrets that do not seem to be much of a secret to anybody else that relates but the words are still written on the page.
They say the best writers are the ones whom have lived the tough life,
whom have stuff they have experienced that moulded them but no, that is not always the case.
What about a simple average person living a normal life that just wants to share their day.
But cant.
Who would listen.
Who would understand the way she understands.
Why does she write in the third person
She ...that is me
Hard to say but it is evident.
Hard to say because....
It is the very things that are hard to just come right out and say is what she wants to speak about
Its better to talk about yourself in the third person
Criticize yourself
Go deep into yourself and your life.
God understands
Does he?
How can you be certain?
Because the bible says so and because you 'have a relationship with him' so you know
But sometimes you want a loud clear voice speaking to you
Instead of the conscience/Holy spirit inside you.
Telling you what to do and how to handle these situations and how to move forward.
The first thing on your mind is to write.
Write your feelings out. So far it has been the best way.
Because sometimes the blunt truth is that not everyone has the best responses.
The ones you want to hear.
They don't surprise you with something that would change your perspective positively
nor do they follow the simple script in your head to make it manageable.
They are human.
So are you. But YOU get YOU.
and that is just the way it is going to be
that is just how you are going to have to accept things for how they are.
Some posts are meant to stay drafts and unpublished.
I am Sorry.
SHE..is Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI love this
Thanks so much xxx 😊