freedom of speech
They say the world would be much better if people voiced their opinions
but that is so far from the truth,
when it's without a positive end goal
we all want the blunt truth,
but do we want misrepresentation and misinterpretation
and assumptions and self fed lies
and nonconstructive criticism
that are so very far from the truth
when it's without a positive end goal
we all want the blunt truth,
but do we want misrepresentation and misinterpretation
and assumptions and self fed lies
and nonconstructive criticism
that are so very far from the truth
we all want to say whats really on our mind
but who will legit listen and not use that against you later on
but who will legit listen and not use that against you later on
why say the worst things and bring someone down out of "freedom of speech"?
there's a reason the bible says hold your tongue.
there's a reason the bible says hold your tongue.
this is NOT to say : do not be honest when you need to be,
or say how you feel out of genuine concern
or say how you feel out of genuine concern
opinions are opinions
where it crosses the line is when people are being told they are something
they know in their hearts they aren't
they know in their hearts they aren't
when people are misunderstood
when your honesty is just you not allowing someone to be themselves
because it makes you "uncomfortable"
because it makes you "uncomfortable"
I am sorry but no one has the right to do this
no one has the right to tell someone how to live their lives
no one has the right to tell someone to change
or to take something down because they look weird in it
if you know its the persons personality, do NOT bash it
especially when its not something that will damage their life
or affect yours.

this especialllyyyy applies when you do not even know the person
you are allowed to say how you feel
but you have to apply wisdom in knowing
whether your opinion comes across as judgment or an observation
many do not know that fine line.
i could say to you " from my perspective, i feel xxxxxxxx"
if you have something to say back to me I would not try to change your opinion, why?
because I was only voicing mine, just like you are voicing yours.
This is not a debate.
even the bible says do not argue in that manner, its like wasting your breath
what is meant to be will be, and the truth will come out in the end
and once again, it is for the person to realize on their own
not for anyone to rush them to get to that place
everyone has the right to their own decisions and timings and how they assess themselves
its important to know who you really are
and when you know who you really are
rejection would not get to you
as their interpretation of you does not define who you are underneath
being who you are is enough
I honestly believe rejection is protection
because we don't see the bigger picture
we think we want something but if given to us
only God knows how it could change our destiny
True Friends are honest, non-judgmental, accepting
and "you can have the gift of goodbye when you know who you are"
as you are not forcing anyone to be in your life, to love you, to think or care about you,
you are free and the right people and in the right time will see that"
if you know its the persons personality, do NOT bash it
especially when its not something that will damage their life
or affect yours.

this especialllyyyy applies when you do not even know the person
you are allowed to say how you feel
but you have to apply wisdom in knowing
whether your opinion comes across as judgment or an observation
many do not know that fine line.
i could say to you " from my perspective, i feel xxxxxxxx"
if you have something to say back to me I would not try to change your opinion, why?
because I was only voicing mine, just like you are voicing yours.
This is not a debate.
even the bible says do not argue in that manner, its like wasting your breath
what is meant to be will be, and the truth will come out in the end
and once again, it is for the person to realize on their own
not for anyone to rush them to get to that place
everyone has the right to their own decisions and timings and how they assess themselves
its important to know who you really are
and when you know who you really are
rejection would not get to you
as their interpretation of you does not define who you are underneath
being who you are is enough
I honestly believe rejection is protection
because we don't see the bigger picture
we think we want something but if given to us
only God knows how it could change our destiny
True Friends are honest, non-judgmental, accepting
and "you can have the gift of goodbye when you know who you are"
as you are not forcing anyone to be in your life, to love you, to think or care about you,
you are free and the right people and in the right time will see that"
I cant stand mean people or judgmental ones
I have dealt with it all my life
words being thrown at you to define you
and tell you what you are
and make you feel like you cant be yourself
because they wont like you in your natural state
or find you worthy of acceptance based on their standards
and tell you what you are
and make you feel like you cant be yourself
because they wont like you in your natural state
or find you worthy of acceptance based on their standards
I am sorry but the right person will like you for you
do NOT live up to anyone's standards
do not think to change yourself to make someone love you
do not replace the word "change" for "improve" or "adjust" because it sounds better
you know what you are really doing
because fact is
the person would not love you if they do not already love you as is.
the person would not love you if they do not already love you as is.
no one will love you no matter what you do
if they do not love you for who you are
they would find something that they cannot handle
everyone has their limits
do not let their limits be imposed on you
decide for yourself what you can handle
if they do not love you for who you are
they would find something that they cannot handle
everyone has their limits
do not let their limits be imposed on you
decide for yourself what you can handle
you could make yourself change to the max to suit their standards
but tell me
how long can you keep up the charade and say
that is the real you because you did it out of love
you could do all that and they could still pick someone else
simply because
simple becauseee
you cannot please everyone.
but tell me
how long can you keep up the charade and say
that is the real you because you did it out of love
you could do all that and they could still pick someone else
simply because
simple becauseee
you cannot please everyone.
that is just it.
you cant.
stop trying.
and another thing
if you want to change
change FOR YOU
Do not let anyone define you
and say you're this or that
because I am sorry but I am not the same person I was literally one minute ago.
I could decide right there in that very second in my mind I am someone different
and you have no right to judge me on my past
and say you're this or that
because I am sorry but I am not the same person I was literally one minute ago.
I could decide right there in that very second in my mind I am someone different
and you have no right to judge me on my past
know why?
because I do not report to you
I report to myself and God.
I refuse to build my self esteem on temporary things or people
I choose to build it and my truth on what is eternal and everlasting (God)
Its also very funny how society has shaped our standards
and how its so hard for people to adopt a change of perspective
changing your perspective is everything
there actually becomes a laughable form of hypocrisy emerging
e.g. shes good enough for you to bang becuase you like that shes hot but there's a double standard that emerges for who you wife
nah fam
if you decide you do not like something
do not like it completely
do not look at that girl when she walks by
or say you're a boob or ass person
do not double tap that ho'
do not talk to your guys about how hot she is
do not even go to that direction
and claim you want something else at the end of the day
what kind of message are you sending out
what kind of deceit are you putting in the mind of the girl you go out with
you become part of the problem.
and another thing
when you choose to accept someone totally ,
you accept all parts of them both their weird side, their deep side the sides you like and the sides you're struggling with understanding out of love.
do not use that word totally if its not true.
because we must remember no one is perfect
you do not get to decide that all of a sudden you cannot handle something because its not what you expect
its even amazing how a wolf can hide in sheep clothing.
remember that
because you might think you want something but when you're sleeping it stabs you in the back in the way you never saw coming
never expect anything from anyone
no one shows their full picture
do not assume you can handle what that person can throw because of what their pattern of whats reasonable has been.
people change in seconds.
do not limit yourself and always seek guidance from God.
never tell someone to hide who they are because it looks somehow to you
or bring down their day because they are not cool enough for you
again I am sorry but be you
and allow the person just be them!
you chose to have them in your life for who they were
why not let them be exactly that? public or private.
yes there are well known appropriate things to do in public and private
but when you love someone this is something you talk about and find reason, not try to change
its all about compromising, not slowly adjusting someone with to your needs and desires.
you do not get to decide what will be good in someone else's life.
they do.
and they must come to it on their own.
not for you.
afterall , you chose to walk up to the person and say. Hey, I want you in MY life.
you do NOT get to decide which PART of THEIR life you want in YOURS.
this goes way back to the words written for: 'do not apologize'.
I refuse to build my self esteem on temporary things or people
I choose to build it and my truth on what is eternal and everlasting (God)
Its also very funny how society has shaped our standards
and how its so hard for people to adopt a change of perspective
changing your perspective is everything
there actually becomes a laughable form of hypocrisy emerging
e.g. shes good enough for you to bang becuase you like that shes hot but there's a double standard that emerges for who you wife
nah fam
if you decide you do not like something
do not like it completely
do not look at that girl when she walks by
or say you're a boob or ass person
do not double tap that ho'
do not talk to your guys about how hot she is
do not even go to that direction
and claim you want something else at the end of the day
what kind of message are you sending out
what kind of deceit are you putting in the mind of the girl you go out with
you become part of the problem.
and another thing
when you choose to accept someone totally ,
you accept all parts of them both their weird side, their deep side the sides you like and the sides you're struggling with understanding out of love.
do not use that word totally if its not true.
because we must remember no one is perfect
you do not get to decide that all of a sudden you cannot handle something because its not what you expect
its even amazing how a wolf can hide in sheep clothing.
remember that
because you might think you want something but when you're sleeping it stabs you in the back in the way you never saw coming
never expect anything from anyone
no one shows their full picture
do not assume you can handle what that person can throw because of what their pattern of whats reasonable has been.
people change in seconds.
do not limit yourself and always seek guidance from God.
never tell someone to hide who they are because it looks somehow to you
or bring down their day because they are not cool enough for you
again I am sorry but be you
and allow the person just be them!
you chose to have them in your life for who they were
why not let them be exactly that? public or private.
yes there are well known appropriate things to do in public and private
but when you love someone this is something you talk about and find reason, not try to change
its all about compromising, not slowly adjusting someone with to your needs and desires.
you do not get to decide what will be good in someone else's life.
they do.
and they must come to it on their own.
not for you.
afterall , you chose to walk up to the person and say. Hey, I want you in MY life.
you do NOT get to decide which PART of THEIR life you want in YOURS.
this goes way back to the words written for: 'do not apologize'.
because that is what really matters at the end of the day
those who love you for you
if you love you for you
and if God is pleased with the real you.
do not take anyone's judgement
ignore any form of their freedom of speech
listen to your heart.
define yourself.
live for you.
be you.
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