What’s next??

The famous question “WHAT’S NEXT”?  

Can really inject the feeling of anxiety and panic when you haven’t embraced the current moment long enough to think about what happens the next second. I remember finishing uni not knowing what to do with my life and going through periods of depression and anxiety trying  to stay in the uk because i only had 4 months to find a job if i wanted to stay( before this new extended rule)  and efforts were futile but then i thought to myself ... why? Why am i being desperate to stay here when I know deep down i just want to be home. A place that actually feels like home despite the madness. And its not like i cant come back to visit so why was i trying so hard when I haven’t fully experienced my own country. So i left, and i decided to do just that.. serve my country. 

Once again i found myself overly trying to stay in Lagos for camp because that's what everyone did and when I didn’t get posted to Lagos but instead posted to BORNO (yes you read that right) I laughed and was ready to give up again and wait for the next batch.  Why wasn’t I ready to embrace reality and face the world? Why was there always fear of the unknown creeping? 

The real question...Why was I afraid when I had God? The holder of my destiny the complete reassurance I needed. That was it.. a day to the deadline i felt the yolo spirit ๐Ÿ˜‚call it adrenaline, i went for it , Borno posted people camped in Katsina and that's exactly where I went. Not gonna lie it was stressful but beautiful! It was one of the best experiences I had, waking up to the vast starry sky without the city crowding really enabled me to feel Gods presence more and i knew he was with me. He sustained me through my journey of university , the academic challenges, the financial challenges, the job challenges , he connected me to the right people in camp and outside camp provided protection and brought me to the end of my NYSC  journey successfully. I couldn’t be more grateful than I already am. I don’t take one bit of it for granted nor do I regret coming home, in fact when people ask me .. aren’t you planning to go back now you’re done with NYSC and uni? , my first question is back to them is..  

why should I ? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ‍♀️

If right now you’re thinking to yourself that things are hard and your efforts are pointless and you’re sick of people asking you “so whats next for you? “ , Gather your thoughts from running about your mind disturbing your mental health. Smile, because you don’t need to worry, He’s got you. 

God has written your script already so there's no need to ask him why things are going a certain way because you don't know the ending to the script. Where life takes you may be further from your initial plans and better than your initial plans so be EXCITED for the unknown , just follow your passions and please please please don’t  put deadlines on when you should have OR where you should have achieved your milestones because God hasn’t! Have a faith and enjoy each moment as it comes , don’t let comparison with your mates steal your joy and don't let fear make you desperate . You gatts this๐Ÿ˜‰


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