Do you see my skin?

or what you believe my skin implies I provide




He had a dream 

back in August 63

that the coloured shall be free

that dream came true

to those with perspectives askew

that do not hear our pleas

They smile and they wave

as long as we are well behaved

they dance our dance

 and they braid

but cannot relate

they empathize 

but cannot realize

it will take more than mobilising advocates

it would take 

loving our neighbours as ourselves

with that we'd strive

it would take forgoing vengeance 

and letting grudges die 

it would take looking past appearance

and in our hearts' we'd see

it would take recognising that in Christ,

we are all one family

Mark 12:31

Leviticus 19:18

1 Samuel 16:7

Galatians 3:28.


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