
"i want to cry but i can't cause i deserve it
Or is it just I feel like I should deserve it..I keep asking for more so I can be hurt all at once..cry and move on..this can't be life...
Lol i asked for it I really did
Pain sorta feels great knowing I'm capable of such an emotion over another human being shocks me
Pain sorta feels shitty after I realize wait..is it always gonna be like this
Its hurts when u think you've found someone different and then get disappointed"
But u knew... You sort of knew..too good to be true
Because u knew..yes u knew..its human nature
The only thing that could change that is something not of human nature in them
Something spiritual but of good nature
That reminds them that what they do has consequences
Something more than a human conscience
Until you find that person with that something
Don't be surprised
You asked for it
But hey keep falling in love
Its not a crime
But don't mess with your heart when you know u can find a way to stop that pain that everyone complains about
But its just so difficult
Where on earth will you find such a person
Is it something you pray about and wait for fate to take its course
How do u even know if your prayers have been answered
You say :"he seems decent enough, he should be the one! please make him the one!"
But inside you know..why..why..why...what's wrong with you..just stop you can mold someone into who you want them to be
And you can't tell God its him make it him
Because he knows what's best for u
But that human feeling..the one you've been unfortunately 'blessed' with screams out your desires , desires you know are only full of temporary happiness
Oh well..I wish you luck..
Just don't say  I didn't warn you
About karma


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