Lifting the burden
It all comes down to him
and he is willing to step up.
no longer will he be a boy
he sees the reality
and despite its relentlessness to push him down
he pushes back up.
The pressures of life weighing on him
its not easy to survive in this world.
They don't know what he goes through
the burden, the financial, emotional, spiritual burden.
just to get the very best for him and his family.
They all lean on him
all so heavy
and hes chained to one spot
dreams put aside for a bit.
It is not time to be selfish.
Many do not step up to the challenge
They are full of empty promises
They are selfish
unaware of what a true sacrifice is
deceiving themselves and those around them day after day
that one day they would contribute and lift their burdens.
He isn't
His effort shall not be wasted.
His parents try their hardest
the aunts uncles cousins...
its in the hard times we find out the extent to family support
and he does all he can to ease their struggle.
its not easy
He had a plan, get the grades, apply to these jobs, its all going to be good....
Life unfortunately had another plan.
a plan of delayed gratification.
what gives him the strength in these times?
all she wants to do is be there for him
she watches him carry a lot on his shoulders and mind
The worst part is that it seems he is also carrying his body each day to keep going
her only is wish is that it does not crumble down
that is why she holds him, speaks to him, does everything she can
to lift weight off the heaviest part...
the mind.
our bodies can take a lot
our heart can take a lot..believe me, it seems weak but its pretty strong, heck its running the ship.
but the mind? so fragile..
we underestimate the little triggers that send it spinning
that sends us to a dark place
that sends our body to do crazy things
that sends our hearts to feel the dumbest things we would regret
if we do not have a place to write it all down to empty our thoughts to..
where would we be..
its dangerous.
open up because its one thing that certainly keep you going.
to Him.
to your loved one
to yourself.
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