No. 7
This time its mild
Starts off slowly
Creeps up on you at the most random time
You know its about to happen but you don’t know how severe
You lay down doing nothing just feeling the pressure on your chest
Thinking.. maybe if i stay really still itll go away ..
It doesn’t.
You try googling for reassurance that you aren’t crazy
That someone out there experiences it too
Somehow the reassurance is comforting but not enough
You play every kind of music designed to help deal with it
You begin to think its working
But no
You lie there with chest pain and tears falling down
Unable to pinpoint the cause
This time you don’t even try to
Its clear it operates on irrational thoughts
Its clear it has no sympathy
Its clear it decides when it wants to stop, not you.
Dealing with that monster that is anxiety
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